
New toilets for 800 Busembatya children


Busembatya village is located in a rural area of ​​Namutumba district in eastern Uganda. The lack of infrastructure is a serious problem for the 800 students of the local school. The classrooms are few and cannot contain all the students.


In Busembatya there is only one primary school attended by 800 students. Before the covid emergency, students exceeded 1000 units. Due to the deep crisis caused by the epidemic, many children have not been able to resume lessons.


Le aule non bastano e c'è qui fa lezione all'aperto



The school does not have enough bathrooms for everyone. Currently there is an old toilet block consisting of only four latrines. They are used by girls while, for boys, the alternative is a single latrine in a nearby church or... in the open countryside.



I bagni riservati alla bambine


Our solution: a new block of five toilets!

The construction of the baths is quite expensive as it requires manpower for the excavation and a large amount of bricks and concrete. The estimated cost for the whole block is €3,800



La demolizione dei vecchi bagni
Here we want to build a new toilet block
Senza bagni
Without toilets there is only one solution ...













If you want to contribute to the construction of the bathrooms you can donate online, click on button below, you can also use credit and prepaid cards:








Would you like to know more? Contact us directly on Whatsapp


Marco Piazza

Sono vice-presidente di Kope Onlus. Durante questi anni di lavoro "sul campo" in Africa, ho capito che, per "aiutare veramente" è indispensabile superare la burocrazia e gli sprechi delle grosse organizzazioni no profit.  Queste ultime, molto spesso, impongono iniziative studiate su tavolini europei e legate a necessità di "marketing", lontane dalle reali necessi delle persone. L'Africa è ricca di inutili vestiti e giocattoli europei usati, pozzi idrici abbandonati per scarsa manutenzione e indisponibilità di ricambi per non parlare di terreni sminati a metà per il sopravvenire di nuove emergenze.

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