Katanga is one of the largest slums in Kampala and home to a group of vigilante female fighters. This film is a retelling Hellen Baleke’s story, a young woman living in Katanga who turned to her local boxing gym after being brutally assaulted in her neighbourhood. She went on to become the first female boxer in all of Uganda to compete professionally on an international level. Now Hellen and her group of female boxers act as protectors in Katanga, taking revenge on assaults in the slum when police are too afraid to intervene.
Directed by Dwight Jantzi & Robert Mentov
Kope with Hellen for Katanga
What we can do to together
Kope works in Uganda closely with Hellen. Three projects to create an alternative for young people living in the slum. To succeed, the support of people of the heart like you will be fundamental.
Support to the gym and boxers
Donate to support the gym and our young female boxers.
Help them to participate in the nationals tournaments and
to buy boxing equipment.
Support a slum child's education
Many children from the slum of Katang do not attend
a school. Help us to buy the school's requirement and send a
child to school.
Help a young mother from the slum
Kope is supporting Helles's tailoring school in the slum.
Donate a sewing machine for a young mother to learn
sustainable life skills and self-reliance.
Donate now!
You can donate with PayPal to support Hellen and children of Katanga. Your donations will be entirely used for our project in Katanga. Remember: internal costs in our organization are equal to zero!