Busembatya village is located in a rural area in Namutumba district in eastern Uganda. The 800 students of the local school have only 4 toilets reserved for girls and staff. The school cannot accommodate everyone and many lessons are held outdoors.
Find out how together we can build a new toilet block for Busembatya children…
Growing up is a challenge for all girls in the world, in the poorest countries it is even more difficult. Without sufficient information and resources, natural bodily processes such as menstruation can be a traumatic experience for girls and can pose a threat to their education and well-being.
Statua di personaggio coloniale, probabilmente primi del'900 - Dimensioni 27cm x 10cm Peso 0.216Kg
Splendida statua di ufficiale coloniale di grandi dimensioni, probabilmente inizio '900 - 50cm x 20cm Peso 3 Kg
Giraffa in legno alta 46cm x10cm Peso 0,630 kg
Barca in legno con famiglia 25cm x18.5cm
Splendida statua maternità della Repubblica Democratica del Congo 25 cm x 7 cm
Ha un piccolo difetto su un dito della mano. E' comunque facilmente restaurabile. Per questo, il prezzo è ridotto del 40%.